The Technology
Each project has specific requirements in terms of measurands, sensing length, spatial resolution and sampling rates. As an independent system integrator, we have access to many different technologies for fibre-optic strain and temperature sensing and can individually choose the most suitable technology for your project.

Technologies: Brillouin, Rayleigh, Raman


Technologies: Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG), Fabry Perot

Many fibre-optic sensing technologies are commercially available, but expert knowledge is required to make them work well. Our experts at Marmota have investigated and published a large amount of material for different kind of applications and interpretations:
Monitoring of ground displacements using borehole-embedded distributed fibre optic sensors: Puzrin A.M., Iten M. and Fischli F. (2019). Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology.
Automatische Spriesskraftmessungen mittels faseroptischen Dehnungs- & Temperatursensoren (FBG): Fischli F., Iten M. and Freiburghaus M. (2018). Messen in der Geotechnik 2018.
Slope Monitoring By Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing: Project Examples, Results And Limitations: Iten M. and Fischli F. (2018). ICOLD 26th World Congress.
Geotechnical and Structural Applications of Fiber-Optic Sensing: van Ravenzwaaij J., Iten M., Spruit R. and de Boer A. (2018). High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet, 1287-1298.
The fiber-optic inclinometer: project examples, results and limitations: Iten M., Fischli F., Janicki K. and Stefanek P. (2017). CSHM-7.
Structural health monitoring of airfield pavements using distributed fiber-optics sensing: Rabaiotti, C., Hauswirth, D., Fischli, F., Facchini, M. & Puzrin, A.M. (2017). SMAR 2017, Zurich.
Monitoring of innovative, temporary traffic bridge using surface mount fibre-optic strain gauges: Fischli F., De Bruin E., Van Bezooijen M. and Iten M. (2017). SHMII-8: Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure Conference 2017.
Faseroptische Überwachungsmethoden für Stützmauern: Iten M. and Fischli F. (2017). Mitteilungen der Geotechnik Schweiz 175, Hebsttagung vom 26. Oktober 2017, Bern.
Landslide monitoring using distributed fibre-optic sensing: Fischli F., Iten M., Puzrin A. and Hauswirth D. (2016). 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure ICONHIC, Chania, Greece.
Geotechnical monitoring of infrastructure using distributed fibre-optic sensing: project examples, results and limitations: Iten M., Fischli F. and Puzrin A. (2016). M.2, CSHM-6, Belfast, Ireland.
Mesures distribuées de déformations dans le soutènement d’un tunnel par réflectométrie TWCOTDR: Planes I., Curien H., Girard S., Boukenter A., Marin E., Ouerdane Y., Delepine-Lesoille S., Farhoud R., Zghondi J. and Fischli F. (2016). 6. APOS Conference, Shanghai, China.
Anwendungen von Glasfasersensorik in der Geotechnik: Iten M. (2016). Zertifikatslehrgang in angewandten Erdwissenschaften.
Implementation of fibre-optic vertical extensometers for safety monitoring: Rabaiotti C., Iten M. and Fischli F. (2015). Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics, Sydney, Australia.
Benefits of Global Standards on the Use of Optical Fiber Sensing Systems for the Impact of Construction of New Utilities and Tunnels on Existing Utilities: Iten M., Spera Z., Jeyapalan K., Duckworth G., Inaudi D., Bao X., Noether N., Klar A., Marshall A., Glisic B., Facchini M., Jason J., Elshafie M., Kechavarzi C., Miles W., Rajah S., Johnston B., Allen J., Lee H., Leffler S., Zadok A., Hayward P., Waterman K. and Artieres O. (2015). ASCE Pipelines Conference, Baltimore, USA.
Road – landslide interaction: Applications: Puzrin A., Caprez M., Schmid A., Schwager M., Hauswirth D., Minder P., Oberender P., Fischli F. (2014). Forschungsprojekt VSS 2010/502 auf Antrag des Schweizerischen Verbandes der Strassen- und Verkehrsfachleute (VSS), Switzerland.
Geotechnical Monitoring: Iten M., Fischli F. (2014). BAUINGENIEUR 89, A6-A7.
Laboratory study of fibre-optic strain sensor fixation for monitoring tunnel linings: Fischli F., Iten M., Carrera A. and Puzrin A. (2013). Proceedings of SMAR 2013 the 2nd Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures: [9-11 September 2013, Istanbul TR], ITU, Instanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Detection of ground movements using soil-embedded distributed fiber optic sensors: Hauswirth D., Iten M. and Puzrin A. (2012). Geotechnical and geophysical site characterization 4: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Site Characterization ISC4, Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Distributed FIBER-OPTIC Sensors in Geotechnical Engineering Monitoring: Iten M., Hauswirth D., Fischli F. and Puzrin A. (2012). ISSMGE Bulletin, ISSMGE.
Das Murmeltier am Telefon-oder wie mit Glasfasern Bodenbewegungen überwacht werden: Iten M. (2012). Geosciences actuel.
Influence of the grout on earth pressure measurements taken by Inclinodeformometer: Schwager M., Fischli F. and Puzrin A. (2011). 8th International Symposium on Field Measurements in GeoMechanics (FMGM), Berlin, Germany.
Experimental study of a soil-embedded fibre optic strain sensor crossing a shear zone: Hauswirth D., Iten M. and Puzrin A. M. (2011). 5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-5), Cancun, Mexico.
Distributed fiber optic sensor development, testing and evaluation for geotechnical monitoring applications: Iten M., Puzrin A. M. and Hauswirth D. (2011). Smart Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks, and Systems 2011, San Diego, USA.
Progressive failure in soil-cable interaction: Puzrin A., Iten M. and Hauswirth D. (2011). Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Geotechnics of Hard Soils – Weak Rocks, Lansdale PA: IOS Press.
Novel applications of distributed fiber-optic sensing in geotechnical engineering: Iten M. (2011). PhD Thesis Nr. 19632, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Download here.
Fibre optic cable and micro-anchor pullout tests in sand: Hauswirth D., Iten M., Richli R. and Puzrin A. (2010). Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics (ICPMG 2010), Zurich, Switzerland.
Inclinodeformometer. Backcalculation of earth pressure changes in creeping landslides: Schwager M., Fischli F., Schmid A. and Puzrin A. (2010). Proceedings of Vardoulakis mini-symposia, 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics.
Advanced Geotechnical Applications of Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing: Puzrin A. M., Iten M. & Hauswirth D. (2010). Geotechnical Instrumentation News, no. 64, December 2010, pp. 29-32.
Monitoring of stress distribution along a ground anchor using BOTDA: Iten M. and Puzrin A.M. (2010). Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7647, SSNDE Conference, San Diego, USA.
Road - Landslide Interaction: Monitoring and Inverse Stability Analysis: Schmid A., Puzrin A., Iten M., Schwager M. and Hauswirth D. (2009). Final Report 1270, Research Project VSS 2005/502, Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA, Switzerland.
Study of a progressive failure in soil using BEDS: Iten M., Puzrin A.M., Hauswirth D., Foaleng-Mafang S., Beugnot J.C. and Thévenaz L. (2009). Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7503, 20th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Edinburgh, UK.
Soil-embedded fiber optic strain sensors for detection of differential soil displacements: Iten M., Ravet F., Niklès M., Facchini M., Hertig T., Hauswirth D. and Puzrin A. M. (2009). In Proc. of SHMII-4, Zurich, Switzerland.
Defining and monitoring of landslide boundaries using fiber optic systems: Iten M., Schmid A., Hauswirth D. and Puzrin A. M. (2009). Int. Symp. on Prediction and Simulation Methods for Geohazard Mitigation, Kyoto, Japan.
BOTDA road-embedded strain sensing system for landslide boundary localization: Iten M. and Puzrin A.M. (2009). Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 7293, SSNDE Conference, San Diego, USA.
Landslide monitoring using a road-embedded optical fiber sensor: Iten M., Puzrin A.M. and Schmid A. (2008). Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6933, SSNDE Conference, San Diego, USA.